MyVitale creates your customized App
based on our diverse templates. We can adapt it to your branding, integrate with your member management software, combine our different modules and much more!

Our Member App & Professional Platform


Member App

  • Workout plans
  • Nutrition plans
  • Wearable connection
  • Statistics
  • Bookings
  • Induction programs
  • Tests and assessments
  • Chat and videochat with PT
  • Etc.

Professional Platform

Design and create training programs and workouts, assign to members, review evolution and adherence to programs, increase productivity, CRM for communnicating with members, etc.

Easy, guided set up

  • MyVitale remotely sets up the System. Club staff access the platform using their credentials (email & password). Club members download the App from the app stores, register (email and password) and after automatic validation, can start ussing the App. Quick, easy and intuitive.
  • Club staff (PTs, managers,etc..) log in the platform using email and password. Prior to it, the system checks elegibility and allowances.
  • Either integrating with your member management software or uploading your member data base, MyVitale gets access and syncs all your members and employees data.
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MyVitale offers three different sources of workouts:



Our AI-powered system creates perfect programs, totally personalized. Member is profiled, sets his goal and training conditions (equipment, duration, etc.) and gets his program. Ready to go!



Using all the system’s resources, the coach or PT designs workouts, assign them to members, and has the feed back to overview their progress and evolution.


Workout library

Design your programs and workouts, and feed our workout library, letting members choose their favourite sessions.

MyVitale helps implementing its technological
solution by offering additional services

Customized Look & Feel

Your members will be fully identified with your branded App. Our design team adapts the App to the customer's brand. Colours and logos provide that feeling.

For large chains, we can design and build fully customized, proprietary designs

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Customized Module Set Up

MyVitale is made up of different modules that we can combine to measure. Training, agendas, communication, business intelligence, bookings, etc.

In addition, you can manage access permissions, communication with customers, workout design, etc.

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Set Up & Training

We offer the possibility to train the team of professionals in the use of the system using video conference and tutorials. Or we can run training sessions at your club (ask for conditions)

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Integration with member's management software systems

MyVitale integrates with different third-party management software. We perform on-demand integration developments for large corporations. Ask us about conditions.

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Integration with Fitness equipment and Wearables

MyVitale integrates with the most popular fitness equipment manufacturers and wearable devices.
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If you need to build an App for your club or want to improve your actual product, MyVitale has the right solution for you. Integrating everything a Member or a Trainer may need.
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This company has received a grant from the Navarre Government under the 2022 call for the Navarre Digital Company.


This company has received a grant from the Government of Navarre, 40% of which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the ERDF Operational Programme 2021-2027 of Navarre.


This company/entity has received 100% co-financing from EU REACT resources, through the ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Navarra, under the Specific Objective 'EO REACT EU 2. Support for investments contributing to the transition to a digital economy' as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact us to get a demo